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Chauffeur Service Casablanca

Chauffeur Service Casablanca

  • A range of chauffeured cars to choose from
  • Dedicated transportation for you or your guests
  • Move about freely, parking fees included
  • Perfect for sightseeing, shopping or business meetings

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Dream it. Click it. Ride it.

  • All-inclusive rates with a professional chauffeur, fuel and salik (toll) charges
  • Service rendered by one of the region's best limousine service companies
  • Free upgrade if class of car booked isn't available
  • Free cancellation upto 48 hours from pick-up time
  • Trips starting at the airport include free meet and greet service
  • Complimentary 90 minutes waiting time at the airport
  • A brilliant experience – guaranteed!
  • Our fleet includes only the latest, top-end model cars from world-class auto brands
  • Every car comes equipped with GPS, USB charging points, leather seats, Bluetooth, bottled water, hand sanitizer and dry / wet tissues
  • Before every service, our cars are professionally washed, cleaned and disinfected
  • Our team of drivers are well-trained, uniformed to deliver best-in-class service at all times
  • They are always punctual and generally arrive before time at the pick-up location
  • They come with RTA-approved driving license, health & life insurance, and valid UAE visa
  • All of them are vaccinated and regularly test for Covid-19
  • They follow all safety measures including wearing of face mask and gloves at all times
  • Feel free to request a driver who can speak in your preferred language among Arabic, English, Hindi and Urdu

Free cancellation upto 48 hours from pick-up time

Licensed, well-trained and uniformed chauffeurs

Drinking water and dry tissue included in every car

24x7 customer support

Child seat available free of cost

Complimentary wait time included in price

All-inclusive, transparent prices

Rent a Car With Driver in Casablanca Chauffeur Services

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    BMW 5 series

    Maximum 5 Passengers

    Minimum 5 Hours Booking

    • +971 United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)
    • +966 Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)
    • +965 Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)
    • +1 United States
    • +44 United Kingdom
    • +33 France
    • +972 Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)
    • +91 India (भारत)
    • +92 Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)
    • +93 Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎)
    • +355 Albania (Shqipëri)
    • +213 Algeria (‫الجزائر‬‎)
    • +1684 American Samoa
    • +376 Andorra
    • +244 Angola
    • +1264 Anguilla
    • +1268 Antigua and Barbuda
    • +54 Argentina
    • +374 Armenia (Հայաստան)
    • +297 Aruba
    • +61 Australia
    • +43 Austria (Österreich)
    • +994 Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)
    • +1242 Bahamas
    • +973 Bahrain (‫البحرين‬‎)
    • +880 Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)
    • +1246 Barbados
    • +375 Belarus (Беларусь)
    • +32 Belgium (België)
    • +501 Belize
    • +229 Benin (Bénin)
    • +1441 Bermuda
    • +975 Bhutan (འབྲུག)
    • +591 Bolivia
    • +387 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина)
    • +267 Botswana
    • +55 Brazil (Brasil)
    • +246 British Indian Ocean Territory
    • +1284 British Virgin Islands
    • +673 Brunei
    • +359 Bulgaria (България)
    • +226 Burkina Faso
    • +257 Burundi (Uburundi)
    • +855 Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)
    • +237 Cameroon (Cameroun)
    • +1 Canada
    • +238 Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)
    • +599 Caribbean Netherlands
    • +1345 Cayman Islands
    • +236 Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)
    • +235 Chad (Tchad)
    • +56 Chile
    • +86 China (中国)
    • +61 Christmas Island
    • +61 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    • +57 Colombia
    • +269 Comoros (‫جزر القمر‬‎)
    • +243 Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)
    • +242 Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)
    • +682 Cook Islands
    • +506 Costa Rica
    • +225 Côte d’Ivoire
    • +385 Croatia (Hrvatska)
    • +53 Cuba
    • +599 Curaçao
    • +357 Cyprus (Κύπρος)
    • +420 Czech Republic (Česká republika)
    • +45 Denmark (Danmark)
    • +253 Djibouti
    • +1767 Dominica
    • +1 Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)
    • +593 Ecuador
    • +20 Egypt (‫مصر‬‎)
    • +503 El Salvador
    • +240 Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)
    • +291 Eritrea
    • +372 Estonia (Eesti)
    • +251 Ethiopia
    • +500 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
    • +298 Faroe Islands (Føroyar)
    • +679 Fiji
    • +358 Finland (Suomi)
    • +33 France
    • +594 French Guiana (Guyane française)
    • +689 French Polynesia (Polynésie française)
    • +241 Gabon
    • +220 Gambia
    • +995 Georgia (საქართველო)
    • +49 Germany (Deutschland)
    • +233 Ghana (Gaana)
    • +350 Gibraltar
    • +30 Greece (Ελλάδα)
    • +299 Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)
    • +1473 Grenada
    • +590 Guadeloupe
    • +1671 Guam
    • +502 Guatemala
    • +44 Guernsey
    • +224 Guinea (Guinée)
    • +245 Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)
    • +592 Guyana
    • +509 Haiti
    • +504 Honduras
    • +852 Hong Kong (香港)
    • +36 Hungary (Magyarország)
    • +354 Iceland (Ísland)
    • +91 India (भारत)
    • +62 Indonesia
    • +98 Iran (‫ایران‬‎)
    • +964 Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)
    • +353 Ireland
    • +44 Isle of Man
    • +972 Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)
    • +39 Italy (Italia)
    • +1876 Jamaica
    • +81 Japan (日本)
    • +44 Jersey
    • +962 Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)
    • +7 Kazakhstan (Казахстан)
    • +254 Kenya
    • +686 Kiribati
    • +383 Kosovo
    • +965 Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)
    • +996 Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)
    • +856 Laos (ລາວ)
    • +371 Latvia (Latvija)
    • +961 Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)
    • +266 Lesotho
    • +231 liberia
    • +218 libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)
    • +423 liechtenstein
    • +370 lithuania (lietuva)
    • +352 Luxembourg
    • +853 Macau (澳門)
    • +389 Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)
    • +261 Madagascar (Madagasikara)
    • +265 Malawi
    • +60 Malaysia
    • +960 Maldives
    • +223 Mali
    • +356 Malta
    • +692 Marshall Islands
    • +596 Martinique
    • +222 Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)
    • +230 Mauritius (Moris)
    • +262 Mayotte
    • +52 Mexico (México)
    • +691 Micronesia
    • +373 Moldova (Republica Moldova)
    • +377 Monaco
    • +976 Mongolia (Монгол)
    • +382 Montenegro (Crna Gora)
    • +1664 Montserrat
    • +212 Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)
    • +258 Mozambique (Moçambique)
    • +95 Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)
    • +264 Namibia (Namibië)
    • +674 Nauru
    • +977 Nepal (नेपाल)
    • +31 Netherlands (Nederland)
    • +687 New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
    • +64 New Zealand
    • +505 Nicaragua
    • +227 Niger (Nijar)
    • +234 Nigeria
    • +683 Niue
    • +672 Norfolk Island
    • +850 North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)
    • +1670 Northern Mariana Islands
    • +47 Norway (Norge)
    • +968 Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)
    • +92 Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)
    • +680 Palau
    • +970 Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)
    • +507 Panama (Panamá)
    • +675 Papua New Guinea
    • +595 Paraguay
    • +51 Peru (Perú)
    • +63 Philippines
    • +48 Poland (Polska)
    • +351 Portugal
    • +1 Puerto Rico
    • +974 Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)
    • +262 Réunion (La Réunion)
    • +40 Romania (România)
    • +7 Russia (Россия)
    • +250 Rwanda
    • +590 Saint Barthélemy (Saint-Barthélemy)
    • +290 Saint Helena
    • +1869 Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • +1758 Saint Lucia
    • +590 Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))
    • +508 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)
    • +1784 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • +685 Samoa
    • +378 San Marino
    • +239 São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)
    • +966 Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)
    • +221 Senegal (Sénégal)
    • +381 Serbia (Србија)
    • +248 Seychelles
    • +232 Sierra Leone
    • +65 Singapore
    • +1721 Sint Maarten
    • +421 Slovakia (Slovensko)
    • +386 Slovenia (Slovenija)
    • +677 Solomon Islands
    • +252 Somalia (Soomaaliya)
    • +27 South Africa
    • +82 South Korea (대한민국)
    • +211 South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)
    • +34 Spain (España)
    • +94 Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)
    • +249 Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)
    • +597 Suriname
    • +47 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
    • +268 Swaziland
    • +46 Sweden (Sverige)
    • +41 Switzerland (Schweiz)
    • +963 Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)
    • +886 Taiwan (台灣)
    • +992 Tajikistan
    • +255 Tanzania
    • +66 Thailand (ไทย)
    • +670 Timor-Leste
    • +228 Togo
    • +690 Tokelau
    • +676 Tonga
    • +1868 Trinidad and Tobago
    • +216 Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)
    • +90 Turkey (Türkiye)
    • +993 Turkmenistan
    • +1649 Turks and Caicos Islands
    • +688 Tuvalu
    • +1340 U.S. Virgin Islands
    • +256 Uganda
    • +380 Ukraine (Україна)
    • +971 United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)
    • +44 United Kingdom
    • +1 United States
    • +598 Uruguay
    • +998 Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)
    • +678 Vanuatu
    • +39 Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)
    • +58 Venezuela
    • +84 Vietnam (Việt Nam)
    • +681 Wallis and Futuna
    • +212 Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)
    • +967 Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)
    • +260 Zambia
    • +263 Zimbabwe
    • +358 Åland Islands

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    Professional Chauffeur Service Casablanca

    Get the best on-ground transportation 24x7 across the emirates. Our experienced drivers and range of premium cars are available 24x7. OneClickDrive offers the most dependable chauffeured car services in the Morocco : Be it a limo pick-up for your VIP guests at the airport or a family day out. Make a hassle-free booking today!

    OneClickDrive offers the most reliable chauffeur driven car services in Morocco: whether it’s a limo pick up for your VIP guests at the airport or a family day out. Book now hassle free!

    We offer the best car and driver service in Morocco including hourly luxury chauffeur service, airport transfer service, limousine service, event transportation, wedding chauffeur service and more. For custom or bulk bookings please get in touch with us.

    Affordable Chauffeur Services in Casablanca

    All Inclusive Rates

    Our unbeatable rates include fuel, salik (toll), taxes and all other charges. Pay in advance and have your guests chauffeured with ease.

    Professional Drivers

    Our chauffeurs are well-trained, uniformed and always punctual. They’ll get you where you want in maximum comfort and at peace.

    Range of Options

    Choose a car based on your requirement, budget and preference. Book one that suits the needs of your guests (B2B-enabled).

    Free Cancellations

    Get a full refund for cancellations or modifications upto 48 hours before the booking time, should your plans change.


    Our "car with driver service" was launched after a rigorous cycle of "Listen > Understand > Improve". The experiences shared by our distinguished customers have always helped us up our game. Today, we are one of the most sought-after chauffeured car services in the Morocco


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    August 13, 2023

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    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile


    Naresh Lakhwani

    August 10, 2023

    Superb service with pick up and drop off services.
    Superb service with pick up and drop off services. And the car cleanliness & condition at the best.

    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile


    Aziz Munna

    August 01, 2023

    Got a good deal!
    Hired a car on monthly basis through this website. Got a good deal!

    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile


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    July 27, 2023

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    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile


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    July 26, 2023

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    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile


    Melvin West

    July 26, 2023

    Everything is wonderful
    Everything is wonderful captain is very accomodating except for the boat itself there is no ac or aircondition was not functional

    Source: Reviewed on our Google Profile

    4.9 out of 5 based on 398 ratings

    Casablanca Chauffeur Service

    Casablanca Chauffeur Service is the process of renting a car with a professional driver. Casablanca car rental with driver companies offer a fantastic collection of luxury vehicles with a chauffeur to explore the Morocco. Often these companies offer tailor-made tours in Casablanca for visitors and residents. The rental company is a savior if you need an executive car with a chauffeur service to pick you up from the airport.

    There are many reasons why you might want to consider a Casablanca chauffeur service

    Perhaps you’re traveling on business and need to be able to get around town without having to worry about renting a car or dealing with public transportation. Or maybe you’re planning a special event or vacation and want to be able to relax and enjoy your time without having to worry about driving. Whatever your reason, there are plenty of great chauffeur services in Casablanca that can help you get where you need to go.

    When choosing a chauffeur service in Casablanca , it’s important to consider your budget and what type of service you’re looking for. There are some services that offer very basic transportation, while others can provide luxury vehicles and amenities. You’ll also want to make sure that the company you choose is reputable and has experience providing service in Casablanca

    Once you’ve decided on the type of service you’re looking for, it’s time to start shopping around. There are many different chauffeur services in Casablanca listed on our website, so take some time to compare prices and services before making your final decision.

    Rent a car with Driver in Casablanca

    Casablanca is a city that’s constantly bustling with activity. From business meetings to vacation getaways, there’s always something to do in and while there are plenty of things to do in Casablanca , one thing that can be a bit of a hassle is getting around. Fortunately, we have the perfect solution that can help you get from point A to point B with ease.

    OneClickDrive offers a wide range of luxury cars with driver services, listed by local suppliers, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you need a chauffeur for business or pleasure, you get the best possible service.

    Professional Car with driver service in Casablanca

    With so many local companies listed on our marketplace, there are a number of different rental packages, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you’re looking for a short-term rental or a long-term lease, we have a package that will fit your requirements.

    So why wait any longer? Contact us today to book your chauffeur-driven car in Casablanca.

    Hiring a car with driver in Casablanca

    There are many benefits to hiring a car with a driver in Casablanca , including the convenience of having someone else handle the driving, the ability to avoid traffic jams, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a professional driver at your service.

    Once you’ve found a reputable company to hire a car with a driver from, sit back and enjoy the ride! Casablanca is a beautiful city and there’s no better way to see it than from the comfort of your own private chauffeur-driven car.

    Luxury car Rental with driver in Casablanca

    If you’re looking to rent a luxury car rental in Casablanca , then OneClickDrive is the perfect place to be. We offer a wide range of luxurious cars for rent, ranging from sedans to convertibles, and professional drivers are always on hand to take you wherever you need to go.

    Suppliers listed on our website understand that not everyone is familiar with the roads in Casablanca , which is why the drivers are all fully trained and experienced in getting around the city. They’ll be able to get you to your destination quickly and safely, so you can just sit back and relax.

    Hiring a car with driver from us is the best way to experience the city in style and comfort.

    Private car with driver in Casablanca

    Casablanca is one of the most beautiful and luxurious cities in the world. A private car with a driver is the best way to see everything this amazing city has to offer.

    There are many reasons to choose a private car with driver over public transportation or renting a car on your own. First, a private car with driver will save you time. You can sit back and relax while your chauffeur takes you to all the best sights and attractions in Casablanca

    Second, a private car with driver is much more comfortable than public transportation. You can stretch out and enjoy the ride without having to worry about crowds or traffic.

    Third, a private car with driver is convenient. Your chauffeur will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel or any other location in Casablanca

    Cheap Rent a car with Driver in Casablanca

    If you are looking for a cheap option for renting a car with driver in Casablanca , then you should consider using our marketplace. Suppliers listed on our website typically have much lower rates and discounts and they also offer a wide variety of vehicles to choose from.

    Furthermore, unlike other websites and apps, we charge zero commission for booking!

    Why Choose OneClickDrive?

    If you’re looking for a rental car in Casablanca with driver, OneClickDrive is the perfect solution. We offer a wide range of vehicles to choose from, all at competitive prices.

    What’s more, we offer a service that is second to none. The drivers are courteous and professional.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    At oneclickdrive.com we have a vehicle for any and every occasion. We offer the following cars: Mercedes Viano Van, Nissan Patrol, Chevrolet Suburban, Toyota Hiace, Hyundai H1, Volvo S90, Lexus ES300h, GMC Yukon XL, Toyota Previa, Mercedes Benz Viano, Cadillac Escalade, BMW 7 Series, Infiniti QX60, Rolls Royce Ghost,Chevrolet Suburban, Mercedes Benz S-Class and Mercedes Benz Sprinter.

    As you can see, we have an exceptional fleet of vehicles fit for any purpose you desire. Whether it be luxury, storage or seating for large groups. Anything you could need is available with oneclickdrive.com's chauffeur service.

    Of course! Our services are perfect for such occasions when you may be too tired to drive after a social event. Hence, it is best to use a chauffeur driven vehicle to get you to and from your destination safely, with a knowledgeable and safe driver. Our chauffeur service partner offers complete safety and customer satisfaction at all times.

    Our prices include the driver, fuel, Salik as well as VAT for the number of hours you have booked. So you’ll always see the all-inclusive rates on OneClickDrive.com.

    Additional charges apply only if you require an extension as per our pre-defined additional hour rates. Additional emirate charges apply @ AED 125 per emirate in case you need to travel outside the city limits of the emirate you’ve booked for. The charges are mentioned in your booking estimate / reference.

    The most preferable mode of payment is online by any major credit card or debit card. We generally request an advance payment online for booking confirmation. Cash (paid directly to the driver) is also acceptable incase of last minute bookings. For corporate accounts, we accept payment by bank transfer and bank cheques if they can be realized at least 48 hours prior to the booking time.

    Our operations team is active 24x7, you can contact us via phone, WhatsApp and email. All our chauffeur services including hourly bookings, point-to-point transfers, inter-emirate transfers and airport transfers are available round the clock. They can be booked as per your preferred start time or as per your flight schedule. We are always available for last-minute changes.

    Rest assured, you’ll always be in good hands when you book with OneClickDrive and its partners. Contact our exclusive chauffeur service partner via WhatsApp or by phone to book your chauffeur driven vehicle from this page.

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